jeudi 31 octobre 2019

أبي وأمي - كلمات بالصور بدون أنترنت

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name :   أبي وأمي - كلمات بالصور  بدون أنترنت  

This app doesn't require access to phone memory.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support

mardi 29 octobre 2019

نعمة الأبناء - كلمات بالصور بدون أنترنت

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name :   نعمة الأبناء - كلمات بالصور  بدون أنترنت  

This app doesn't require access to phone memory.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support

الصلاة عماد الدين بدون أنترنت

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name :   الصلاة عماد الدين  بدون أنترنت  

This app doesn't require access to phone memory.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support

حب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بدون أنترنت

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : حب النبي  صلى الله عليه وسلم بدون أنترنت

This app doesn't require access to phone memory.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support

الصلاة على النبي بالصور بدون أنترنت

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : الصلاة على النبي بالصور بدون أنترنت

This app doesn't require access to phone memory.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support

lundi 28 octobre 2019

صور تذكر بالله رائعة بدون أنترنت

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : صور تذكر بالله رائعة بدون أنترنت

This app doesn't require access to phone memory.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support

صور اسلامية رائعة بدون أنترنت

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : صور اسلامية رائعة بدون أنترنت

This app doesn't require access to phone memory.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support

dimanche 20 octobre 2019

Cartoon Sounds

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : Cartoon Sounds

This app requires access to phone memory in order to read sounds and instal them as ringtones.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support

Old Phone Ringtones

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : Old Phone Ringtones

This app requires access to phone memory in order to read sounds and instal them as ringtones.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support

vendredi 11 octobre 2019

سورة الكهف بدون نت

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : سورة الكهف بدون نت

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

وصف النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : وصف النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم 

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

محاضرات نبيل العوضي بدون نت

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : محاضرات نبيل العوضي بدون نت 

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

لا تحزن لعله خير

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : لا تحزن لعله خير

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

فوائد الإستغفار

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name :فوائد الإستغفار

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

وسوسة الشيطان في الصلاة

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : وسوسة الشيطان في الصلاة

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

علاج غازات البطن للفايد

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name :علاج غازات البطن للفايد

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

صندوق الضمان الإجتماعي

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : صندوق الضمان الإجتماعي

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

رنات الإستيقاظ من النوم

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : رنات الإستيقاظ من النوم

This app requires access to phone memory in order to read sounds and instal them as ringtones.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

رنات الإستيقاظ لصلاة الفجر

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : رنات الإستيقاظ لصلاة الفجر

This app requires access to phone memory in order to read sounds and instal them as ringtones.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

mercredi 9 octobre 2019

رنات إسلامية أحمد أبوخاطر

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : رنات إسلامية أحمد أبوخاطر

This app requires access to phone memory in order to read sounds and instal them as ringtones.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

رنات أمي : رنات إسلامية للهاتف

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : رنات أمي : رنات إسلامية للهاتف

This app requires access to phone memory in order to read sounds and set them as ringtones for phone.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

المسيح الدجال أعظم الفتن عبر الزمان

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : المسيح الدجال أعظم الفتن عبر الزمان

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

السعادة الحقيقية - كلام عجيب

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : السعادة الحقيقية - كلام عجيب

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

أصوات المطر النوم والإسترخاء

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : أصوات المطر النوم والإسترخاء

This app doesn't require access to phone memory or any data of yours.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

رنات إسلامية لهاتفك

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : رنات إسلامية لهاتفك

This app requires access to phone memoru in order to read sounds and instal them as ringtones.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

رنات أصوات العصافير و الطيور بدون نت

This website is created by the developer ( AFJR Apps) in order to make clear our privacy policies.

Developer Name : AFJR Apps

Application Name : رنات أصوات العصافير و الطيور بدون نت

This app requires access to phone memoru in order to read birds sounds.

Please notify and be sure that we don't get any information of yours or share it.

Our App needs also access to network in order to play google ads and support our efforts.

Thanks for your understanding and support.